The Social Housing Regulatory Authority (SHRA) is the custodian of the Social Housing
programme of South Africa. Social Housing contributes to widening the range of housing
options available to the less fortunate and is defined as a Rental Housing option targeted at
medium to low-income households (who earn between R1 850 and R22 000 per month),
located only in Restructuring Zones (RZs). The National Department of Human Settlements
(NDoHS), through the SHRA, provides subsidised grant funding towards the development
costs for Social Housing projects. This grant is made available annually by the SHRA’s Social
Housing Investment Programme (SHIP). The parameters of the programme are defined in the
Social Housing Act 16 of 2008.
This is an open call for Expressions of Interest targeted at accredited Social Housing
Institutions (SHIs) and Other Delivery Agents (ODAs) in the following 4 Provinces:
• Northern Cape,
• Limpopo,
• Free State; and
• Mpumalanga.
Accredited SHIs and ODAs are invited to register their interest to develop housing units under
the social housing programme in the above provinces. Expressions of Interest must be
submitted via email in an official signed letter by the Managing Director (MD) or Chief
Executive Officer (CEO) addressed to The Executive for Compliance, Accreditation and
Regulation (CAR), Social Housing Regulatory Authority, confirming the following:
1. Intent to register your interest to submit project(s) for accreditation by the SHRA
2. Name of organisation, type of organisation and company profile
3. Contact Details for MD and Project Liaison (emails, landline, mobile)
4. Office Contact Numbers, postal and physical addresses
5. Composition of the Organisation and Board of Directors (attach CIPC
6. Proof of BBBEE Certification
7. Project Details as follows:
a) Name of each project
b) Location: physical address, municipality, province, and GPS Coordinates
c) Number of Social Housing units
d) Type of project (Greenfield/Brownfield i.e. Refurbishment/Conversion/Acquisition)
e) Confirmation that the project is in a designated RDZ and furnish details of the RZ.
f) Provide Readiness – Provide a summary/status of ALL the following areas; land
ownership, Town Planning/Zoning, Environmental Authorisation, Bulk Services,
Demand Studies for rental in the area, SDP/Building Plan status/approval, unit
typologies/no of units/size in sqm, detailed cost estimates undertaken,
contract/delivery agent structure.
g) Project Restructuring Contribution – Provide a summary of ALL the following areas;
the project’s locational attributes to support social (class/race/income), economic
(proximity/access to employment/business) and spatial (compaction and densification)
restructuring objectives including access to facilities/amenities and public transport.
h) Confirmation that the project is endorsed by the Provincial Steering Committee (PSC)
or an indication of the projected date for PSC consideration.
i) Confirmation that the project complies with Social Housing Requirements:
Project is a medium to high density residential rental project with a minimum size of
30m², targeting beneficiaries with income between R1 850 and R22 000 per household
per month according to the SHRA ret setting requirements.
j) Business Profile summarising your organisation’s business experience in the built
Additional information/documents for the Registration of Interest can be obtained from the
SHRA website. Late Registrations of Interest will not be accepted. Submit your Registration
of Interest via email to shipeoi@www.shra.org.za by 7 February 2023 at 14:00.
CONTACT DETAILS: For any enquiries, email shipeoi@www.shra.org.za